Comcast Morgantown Lineup

Today I set out to map out how the channels are assigned on the morgantown comcast system. I have been having problems getting MHD, Showtime HD and MLB network. Come to find out they are all on the same frequency (99.000 MHz). I had talked to Comcast last night and they sent a tech out today. He came, but we were unable to find out why those three channels would not come in. The receiver would show a 0 db signal strength. We replaced all the ends from the pole to the receiver. Even ran a temp cable across the road from the pole to the receiver, still did not work. So now they have to send some one else out to check the lines further up the street. One thing I did notice while outside, is that WCLG (100.1 FM) had a harmonic showing up as low as 98.5 and then there were more in the 99.x range, so I bet that is the cause of the problem, is that some how that station has entered in to the system some how..

Any ways for those who are bored beyond belief and would like to know the actual frequencies of each of the channels, here they are ( they are grouped by the EIA channel, So you can see how many digital channels are on one physical analog channel)

Cable Channel Name Freq EIA Channel
2 kdka 57 2
3 lmorg 63 3
4 wtae 69 4
5 wdtv 75 5
6 wpgh 85 6
8 wnpb 183 8
9 wpmy 189 9
10 qvc 195 10
11 wpxi 201 11
12 wboy 207 12
13 wqed 213 13
14 wvfx 123 14
15 gov 129 15
16 wpcb 135 16
17 hn 141 17
18 tbn 147 18
19 versu 153 19
21 inspa 165 21
22 cw 171 22
23 hsn 219 23
25 cspan 231 25
27 wgn 243 27
28 twc 249 28
29 life 255 29
30 speed 261 30
31 hist 267 31
32 cnn 273 32
33 foxn 279 33
34 tbs 285 34
35 espn 291 35
36 espn2 297 36
37 fosxp 303 37
38 golf 309 38
39 food 315 39
40 anp 321 40
41 disn 327 41
42 nick 333 42
43 a&e 339 43
44 pcnc 345 44
45 cnbc 351 45
46 cmt 357 46
47 fx 363 47
48 vh1 369 48
49 mtv 375 49
50 fam 381 50
51 comedy 387 51
52 tlc 393 52
53 disc 399 53
54 scifi 405 54
55 usa 411 55
56 tnt 417 56
57 bravo 423 57
58 hgtv 429 58
59 spike 435 59
60 tvland 441 60
61 cart 447 61
62 trav 453 62
63 amc 459 63
64 bet 465 64
710 wpcwh 471 65
70 style 501 70
471 btn1 507 71
472 btn2 507 71
473 btn3 507 71
474 btn4 507 71
267 btn 513 72
255 hallm 519 73
259 trutv 519 73
264 tvg 519 73
265 ewtn 519 73
266 msnbc 519 73
1 od 585 84
199 ondemand 585 84
298 free movies 585 84
299 hbood 585 84
339 aod 585 84
487 hdod 585 84
488 free hd od 585 84
490 hd pri 585 84
491 hd music od 585 84
499 movies od 585 84
501 espn1 585 84
502 espn2 585 84
503 espn3 585 84
504 espn4 585 84
505 espn5 585 84
506 espn6 585 84
510 fear 585 84
887 shop 585 84
888 searchlight 888 585 84
889 auto 585 84
891 585 84
892 iad24 585 84
893 iad25 585 84
900 on d 585 84
901 stzod 585 84
902 encod 585 84
903 shod 585 84
904 tmcod 585 84
906 hbod 585 84
907 maxod 585 84
909 hd od 585 84
912 playod 585 84
914 espanol od 585 84
115 bio 591 85
116 histi 591 85
126 snbcd 591 85
138 fuse 591 85
147 ifc 591 85
300 info 591 85
301 ind01 591 85
302 ind02 591 85
303 ind03 591 85
304 ind04 591 85
305 ind05 591 85
306 ind06 591 85
307 ind07 591 85
340 play 591 85
341 playb 591 85
342 jenna 591 85
343 fresh 591 85
344 xcess 591 85
345 hotch 591 85
426 mc26 591 85
117 toond 597 86
118 soap 597 86
120 nategeo 597 86
122 speed 597 86
125 fsc 597 86
131 espnc 597 86
146 foxm 597 86
165 real 597 86
185 cspan3 597 86
410 mc10 597 86
413 mc13 597 86
414 mc14 597 86
415 mc15 597 86
105 disch 603 87
109 bbc 603 87
132 esnw 603 87
134 diy 603 87
135 living 603 87
163 lmn 603 87
209 foxb 603 87
242 oxyg 603 87
101 disck 609 88
102 dics 609 88
103 green 609 88
104 disct 609 88
106 milt 609 88
128 bit 609 88
129 g4ttv 609 88
130 fit 609 88
140 we 609 88
233 sprou 609 88
405 mc05 609 88
406 mc06 609 88
418 mc18 609 88
435 mc35 609 88
137 mtv2 615 89
139 mtvjams 615 89
143 cmtpc 615 89
144 vh1cl 615 89
148 nogin 615 89
152 the n 615 89
153 nick2 615 89
154 nickt 615 89
155 vh1s 615 89
160 mtvh 615 89
161 logo 615 89
408 mc08 615 89
411 mc11 615 89
417 mc17 615 89
424 mc24 615 89
107 current 621 90
127 out 621 90
158 word 621 90
164 sund 621 90
167 gac 621 90
221 show 621 90
222 show2 621 90
223 show3 621 90
231 tmc 621 90
235 flix 621 90
401 mc01 621 90
404 mc04 621 90
409 mc09 621 90
419 mc19 621 90
156 gmc 627 91
176 sitv 627 91
186 spman 627 91
248 ence 627 91
250 love 627 91
252 west 627 91
254 myst 627 91
256 drama 627 91
258 actn 627 91
260 wam 627 91
273 tmaxe 627 91
420 mc20 627 91
423 mc23 627 91
431 mc31 627 91
201 hbo 633 92
202 hbo2e 633 92
203 hbo3 633 92
204 hbofe 633 92
205 hboce 633 92
206 hboze 633 92
241 starz 633 92
243 stzed 633 92
244 stzkf 633 92
245 starzc 633 92
247 stzib 633 92
402 mc02 633 92
403 mc03 633 92
421 mc21 633 92
422 mc22 633 92
433 mc33 633 92
224 showx 639 93
232 tmc2 639 93
270 max 639 93
271 max2e 639 93
272 amaxe 639 93
425 mc25 639 93
442 mc42 639 93
443 mc43 639 93
444 mc44 639 93
124 mlb 99 96
189 mhd 99 96
751 shohd 99 96
136 cnbcb 105 97
166 fuel 105 97
207 hbola 105 97
208 hbow 105 97
274 maxw 105 97
98 e! 111 98
767 verhd 117 99
769 btnhd 117 99
416 mc16 651 100
427 mc27 651 100
428 mc28 651 100
429 mc29 651 100
434 mc34 651 100
436 mc36 651 100
445 mc45 651 100
446 mc46 651 100
447 mc47 651 100
448 mc48 651 100
703 wscan 651 100
150 tvone 657 101
227 ionli 657 101
407 mc07 657 101
412 mc12 657 101
420 mc30 657 101
432 mc32 657 101
437 mc37 657 101
438 mc38 657 101
439 mc39 657 101
440 mc40 657 101
441 mc41 657 101
108 gcn 663 102
113 ilife 663 102
141 tcm 663 102
184 cspan2 663 102
228 ion 663 102
229 qubo 663 102
253 mplex 663 102
262 iplex 663 102
263 rplex 663 102
774 fsnhd 681 105
198 tbshd 687 106
775 tnthd 687 106
100 weather and traffic 4 693 107
700 wqedd 693 107
701 wqedn 693 107
704 abchd 693 107
713 pbshd 693 107
110 rtn 699 108
111 wxplus 699 108
702 cbshd 699 108
711 nbchd 699 108
706 foxhd 705 109
707 pmyhd 705 109
772 espnhd 711 110
773 espn2hd 711 110
192 aehd 717 111
193 hgtvhd 717 111
752 starzhd 717 111
191 foodh 723 112
194 uhd 723 112
780 scihd 723 112
190 hatgeohd 729 113
195 usahd 729 113
779 hddsc 729 113
196 histh 735 114
776 dschd 735 114
782 anphd 735 114
750 hbohd 741 115
753 maxhd 741 115
783 tlchd 741 115
197 cnnhd 747 116
754 amchd 747 116
770 golfhd 747 116
715 dishd 753 117
716 famhd 753 117
718 hdsci 753 117
740 eod 753 117
768 spdhd 759 118
784 fxhd 759 118
785 foxnhd 759 118
800 dvr 759 118
886 ent 759 118

Comcast Cable modem Speed upgrade

It seems that comcast has raised the download and upload speed on some of the segments in morgantown. I did not notice it as I had QoS turned on my router. I turned it off tonight and now get 12+ meg down and 3+ meg up…. It is nice to be finally able to upload pictures to Flickr and not have to wait all day. I did 11 2Meg pictures in about 1 minute tonight.

picture-2 results

Oh the irony

Always nice to see this in your Cable bill: Funny that the title is “Demand more at Comcast” and it is talking about how they are increasing the price of a service. Just another way they charge for the littlest thing.

Comcast changing their lineup

Just happen to be watching the weather channel this morning and saw a scrolling ticker that said a bunch of channels were changing.. Said to go to to find out more. Well went there and found this:

Guess we will be getting a couple of new HD channels… I wish they would fix the stuff they have first. My HD DVR box cuts out the audio almost every couple of minutes… Going to have to call to get it replaced. Funny thing about the channels changing, they have not sent out any info on it so far, and the only reason I saw it was because I was watching the weather channel, which looks like it is moving too. Also looks like they are removing HGTV from the line up? (They are putting the Weather channel on channel 58, which is where HGTV currently is, but no signs of where HGTV is going to.)

Comcast again

I have started to get really mad at comcast lately. I had set the DVR to record a show on Mojo the other night. Went to watch it tonight, and guess what…. Comcast pre-empted the show with FOX Sports again! So I decided to use their Chat thing tonight and chat with them to see why they are doing that, here was the outcome:

Me(Sat May 24 2008 19:33:59 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Why is FOX Sports Pittsburgh HD showing up on the Mojo channel?

analyst James has entered room

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:34:03 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Hello Me_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is James. Please give me one moment to review your information.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:34:11 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Good Evening

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:34:23 GMT-0400 (EDT))>


James(Sat May 24 2008 19:35:07 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

That happens because Comcast does not carry FSN Pittsburgh in HD, but the Penguins games are aired in HD on that channel.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:36:07 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Uh, yeah they 769 is "FSPHD" which is Fox sports Pittsburgh in HD. It is currently airing the exact same thing as in on Mojo.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:36:28 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

We do not carry that channel in every area.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:36:48 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

It is frustrating because when I try to tape something on mojo, 9 times out of 10 I get something else.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:36:58 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:37:49 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

can they not change the channel guide to show when they are going to pre-empt a show that is supposed to be on mojo with what ever they are going to simulacast from FSP?

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:38:19 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

like right now it says London Live should be on, but it is a pittsburgh pirates game.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:38:21 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

The channel guide is controlled and maintained by TV Guide

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:39:03 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

So there is really no way to ever know if I am going to get what I set to get recorded?

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:39:36 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

I am very sorry for the inconvenience, Comcast does not control the information that is displayed in the Program Guide.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:40:48 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

ok, just very frustrating that my bill keeps going up and up, and when I want to watch something, it is usually what is not there. Don't understand why there are 30+ Test channels that they could use for the same purpose, but they end up pre-empting some other channel.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:41:33 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

I apologize for the frustration.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:43:02 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

is there any possiblity that this may be "fixed" in the future?

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:43:45 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Yes there is a possibility of it being fixed. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide a time frame on when it will be resolved.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:46:05 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

ok, just getting tired of the service price going up and up, and the quality of service going down. Paying almost $200 a month for cable and it is almost exactly the same amount of content that I was getting 5 years ago and paying half the price. Is there any where to submit formal complaints about things like this?

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:47:09 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

I can see what I can do to lower your bill for you if you like.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:47:27 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

that would be great....

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:48:19 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

the only thing extra I have even gotten in the last 5 years has been the HD+DVR.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:49:22 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

I can bring your bill down to 159.84 plus taxes for a period of 6 months for you.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:50:44 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

You currently pay 171.85 plus taxes

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:51:33 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

yeah and I received a letter the other day saying it was going to be going up even more.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:51:47 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

after taxes I will be paying almost $190 a month

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:52:03 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

what is the deal with the 159.84?

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:53:46 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

That is everything you have now, although the only promotion I am able to provide you with is an Internet promotion that is $19.99 a month for 6 months. You would be gaining some channels as well. You would be removed from the Adelphia grandfathered package and put into the Digital Premier package (that includes Digital Preferred and all the movie channels) and the Sports and Entertainment Package.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:54:59 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

that is what I have now, I have nearly every single channel except the new sports ones added in the last week, and I am not interested in any more sports channels as I don't watch the ones that are there now.

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:55:43 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Without the sports package it would be 151.89 plus taxes per month, for a period of 6 months.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:56:25 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

and that keeps everything I currently have access to?

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:57:16 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

You will loose some channels without having the Sports and Entertainment package, those channels that you will loose will be listed in the mailing you received.

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 19:59:13 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

and what would the price go up to after the 6months?

James(Sat May 24 2008 19:59:37 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

174.85 plus taxes

Me_(Sat May 24 2008 20:01:49 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

well thanks for the help, but since it would only change it for 6 months it is not really worth me changing anything I will just keep what I have now and reevaluate whether I will switch to dish or not.

James(Sat May 24 2008 20:02:18 GMT-0400 (EDT))>

Ok, I am sorry I was not able to assist you any further today.

Then as I was reading through the news tonight I see this article: Comcast trying to sell 46 outlying cable systems

Which is funny as now our system will probably be sold to Time Warner… I am so so so tempted to go get a Dish Network system. But I still need the cable modem, so it is almost not worth it yet.

What makes me mad about the whole conversation with the comcast dude is that he kept using the cost not including taxes. But by the time you add in all the taxes, it is almost another $10+ to the bill. Let alone that just this year so far my bill has went up $10 since january (with no change to service) and will go up another $3.00 in June with get this a lost of service.. Right now I have every Movie channel on the system (HBO/Cinemax/ShowTime/The Movie Channel/etc), after June I have to pay more just to get The Movie Channel. The best part is that “no action is required!” my bill will go up, I will lose channels, and more than likly I will cancel more of the service. What is where is if they can keep giving these “promotions” why don’t they use that for the price all the time.

It would be cool if we had something like FreeView or SkyTV here in the US. I would gladly pay for the hardware if the service was free. Sort of like back in the early 80’s when we had the BUD (big ugly dish) at my parents house. We could get nearly every channel for free off of the satellites before they started encrypting them.