Weird survey

Tonight I got a survey from E-Rewards. Started taking it and it delt mostly with Cable tv. Then all of the sudden this question pops up:

Not sure what this had to do with cable television, but when I checked all of the items in the first column, it then said I was not eligible to finish the survey.. Guess they only wanted smelly people?

How to calculate yesterday

I was working on a shell script last night and needed to calculate the value for yesterday. I did not have access to GNU date, so using that is out of the question. All I could use was what was available to me in a default install of Solaris 10. So I decided to use Perl as such (note that the YESTERDAY should all be on one line):

YESTERDAY=$(perl -e '@y=localtime(time()-86400);
printf "%04d%02d%02d",$y[5]+1900,$y[4]+1,$y[3];$y[3];')

What this will do is store the value of yesterday in a shell variable called YESTERDAY
Now I have not done perl in a long while so here is an explanation of what it does:
1. Runs the perl function time which will find the current time, then subtract 86400 from it (24 hours).
2. Next it is run through the localtime function which creates an array that has the following values:

Array Element Value
0 Seconds
1 Minutes
2 Hour
3 Day of Month
4 Month of year (0=January)
5 Year (starting at 1900)
6 Day of week (0=sunday)
7 Day of Year (0..364 or 0..365 if leap)
8 Is Daylight savings time active

So in my little script above, we are looking for fields 5, 4 and 3. I add 1900 to the value of 5 (in this case 5 = 108). I add 1 to the value of 4 to get the current month (3+1 = 4 = April). The values are then pushed through printf so that we have a 4 digit year with leading 0’s, a 2 digit month with leading 0’s and a 2 digit day with leading 0’s. So the value of my YESTERDAY variable will now show 20080418.

Hope this helps some one else.

No wonder it is cold outside

This week the weather has went from 77 degrees to 40… I think it is beause Com(pression)cast has actually done something good… They finally made the local broadcast channels that are in clear QAM show up on the channel numbers they should be. So instead of using 108.2201 for the local NBC affiliate, now you just have to use 11.1 which makes much more sense. Now if they would just make the rest of the channels in the clear it would really make my day.

Getting mad at comcast

For the last two days comcast has called and started out by saying that since you are a current subscriber we have a bundle for you that will put all your bills on piece of paper.. They then go on to try to get me to sign up for their Digital voice package. Which is stupid because I use Packet8.

The first day the lady asked if I was spending more than $40 a month on phone bills. I told her no, and she said “really, you don’t spend more than $40 on your monthly phone bill?” I said no, and then she said ok have a good day and hung up.

Today another different woman called. Started out with the same speech. I then cut her off and told her that I had already got called and said no to the “deal”. She was surprised I said no and then said ok good bye… I wonder if I don’t get another call before the week is done. Funny that it is coming from the same phone number (978)848-5001. And looking at my phone log it looks like I have already been called 3 times.

Which brings me to my second point about being mad at comcast. Why is it that they keep adding crappy channels to the system and making the HD channels almost as bad as the SD channels. Why are there 38 different channels that say “Test”? Now they are also running tickers that say they are getting rid of more channels(specificly the asian ones), but they will still support those people with programs and community activities.

If it weren’t for their cable modem service, I would probably drop Com(pression)cast and get a Dish, because the HD service just keeps getting worse.

One year anniversary

Hard to believe that this past week was my one year anniversary of working at my new job. A ton of things have happened in that one year, both good and bad, both work and personal related. Just wonder what the next year will bring. Time sure does fly any more. It seems to get faster and faster every year now.